Virtual Networking Top Tips

Our current context means no IRL (in real life) events for the foreseeable future, so have you considered the importance of virtual networking? Do you have a defined approach, detailed plan and the necessary skills?

Check out my top tips here and start to upgrade your networking effectiveness today!

Target Contacts List - are you practically and proactively building your virtual network? Have you a contact list created with a structure to capture contact details with a structure in place? Fields for contact listings, for example: Name, Title, Company, Contact, Channels Used, Referral from? etc. You could use your email software contacts interface to log these or use an excel spreadsheet. Update these regularly, adding new targets as required.

Action >>> build a contacts list and maintain it regularly.

Virtual Communication Skills - how are your virtual communication skills? For example - are you okay to record a video or audio introduction, know how to send an email that gets a response and/or ask for a referral on Linkedin if required? Spend a few minutes considering these questions and some of the ways you have seen people reach out within your peer network. Then make a list of what areas you need to focus on.

Action >>> identify the gaps in your virtual communication skills, making a list of gaps and areas to improve. Set some timescales for improving those skills, to help achieve your goals.

Detailed Plan - In the virtual world, there is more content, information, touch points and details, so ideally we should track our virtual networking efforts. Keeping track of the messages, channels used and reactions from both targets (and ideally the referrals and introductions to those targets) will help us pay attention to detail in our approach and keep track of responses. We can review our tracker and see what has worked, then do more of it and also identify gaps! We can also schedule that networking activity to support a rhythm in our approach.

 Action >>> track your networking activity in a log and update this regularly. Schedule it!

I have created a simple downloadable planner and checklist to support for this virtual networking activity. Find it at the end of this post.

Top Success Factors in Virtual Networking

  1. Ace your video skills -take the leap of faith today and start to improve your video skills. Watch some online tutorials but more importantly, get practicing and making videos. The best way to learn, is to do! Check out my sample video introduction below, note the use of props, captions and titling >>

  2. Power up your plan - using the advice above, in the first part of this post - start gathering contacts in a structured way and logging your communications with them. Refining your approach as you go. Use the downloadable planner and checklist at the end of this post, to kickstart your planning today!

  3. Get creative - observe what creative ideas work for others. What worked in a video to grab your attention? What email subject line made you open the mail? Start to note what works and mimic it! Consider traditional methods here too, i.e. would a written invitation or letter to someone, be more likely to catch their attention?

  4. Find a buddy - do you know someone who is ace at virtual communications and networking? Ask for their support and get focused help in your efforts. Or at a very minimum, find some experts or thought leaders to observe and follow online. Watch and review what, how and when they post. Make notes and learn from those that you admire!

Check out my video introduction to a fictional contact “John Lynch”, note the explicit use of titling, props and captioning.

You can use your usual video recording software or try for an alternative. Remember to make sure you use a catchy and customised subject line on any email you send to target.

Get going today and start to record your virtual elevator pitch!


Laya Digital Clinics, Remote Working Expert Consultations


Positive parenting during home working